Tag Archives: Ergonomic Chairs

Fact Based Aeron Chair Review – World of Victorcraft

31 Mar

The Aeron chair was the first chair to ditch the foam padding in favor of their unique Pellicle woven suspension system which allows the skin to breathe while providing optimal comfort and support. Other mesh office chairs have attempted to replicate Pellicle, but their attempts are mostly inadequate compared to the well over a decade old Aeron. Perhaps the most innovative element of the Aeron is the automatic lower back support which moves with you; this support is known as PostureFit lumbar support. Herman Miller’s patented PostureFit in combination with a truly ergonomic design allows for the user to maintain proper posture even while sitting, something most chairs are not capable of. If you’re looking for the best ergonomic chair ever made, this is quite possible it.

via Fact Based Aeron Chair Review – World of Victorcraft.

Above is an exert from the review I just wrote and published and my Wetpaint account.  Definitely give it a read if you find yourself curious as to what all of this Aeron commotion is all about.

Office Ergonomics: Collaborate With Me On My Project!

31 Mar

I initiated a project on PBWorks which is definitely worth a gander.  I’m looking for folks to collaborate with me in order to conjure comprehensive information regarding ergonomics in the office.  Those who wish to collaborate should make an effort to get in contact with me so that I may issue formal invitations to join the project which gives you write/edit access to the project.

The original reason why I decided to create this project was inspired by my own concerns related to the endless hours I spend in front of a computer. For me, ergonomics is more of a necessity than it is a luxury. After years of unnecessary back, neck, wrist, hand, knee, elbow, finger, and shoulder pains related to repetitive stress injury (RSI) and an inadequately designed array of computer components and office furniture. Through a process of trial and error in addition to on-going research into office ergonomics, I have created an ergonomic office environment which is not only comfortable, but crucial to my physical rehabilitation. Since construction of my ergonomic office has come to near completion, I have been feeling better each and every day. I now want to continue my research aided by others who will hopefully contribute to this project.

via victorjohnson1 [licensed for non-commercial use only] / OfficeErgonomics.

Aeron Chair Review: More Comfortable Than a $60K BMW’s Chair

28 Mar

While I can’t drive for hours in any of my cars without having to pull over at a rest stop in order to stretch my back and shoulders, however, I can sit in my Aeron for what is often countless hours on end without feeling the need to get up and stretch. This is not to say that I don’t regularly take a break from working as that’s what I have been instructed by my physician to do, just simply stating my belief that the roughly $1,000 Aeron chair is more comfortable than my roughly $60,000 bi-turbo BMW.

via Aeron Chair Review: More Comfortable Than a $60K BMW’s Chair.

To add to this: I’ve been comfortably sitting in my Aeron chair today for at least 6 hours thus far and I’ve been enjoying every minute of it.  Perhaps that’s largely in part to the overall comfort that my office environment offers, something that I’ve worked hard to perfect.  Ergonomics in the work place in crucial, but it really doesn’t end there, as it’s just as important everywhere else you allocate considerable amounts of time.  The bedroom is one of the other spaces that I’ve worked hard to perfect as while it’s not my waking hours, I still spend a great deal of time in there.

Stay tuned for frequent updates.  I’m on a roll!