Tag Archives: Smallest Vaporizer

MFLB Review: Magic-Flight’s Portable Launch Box Vaporizer

21 Aug

“The Atmos Raw, VaporGenie, and Dragon-Lite are all small and portable. The Raw is shaped like a pen, the VaporGenie is a vaporizer pipe that’s 4.5″ long, and the Dragon Lite is a essentially a cheap MFLB knockoff. While there are a lot of different portable vaporizer systems to choose from, how does the MFLB stack up against the competition? Price wise, it’s less expensive than many of the portable vapes out there and can be purchased for around $120.00 where devices like the Iolite Wispr can cost well over $200.00!”

The quote above was derived from the Magic Flight Launch Box vaporizer review at ReviewsVaporizers.com and is available for additional insight through reading.

My Thoughts: There are now a lot of portable vaporizers to choose from if you’re interested in vaporizing on the move and that makes the decision of which is the best portable vaporizer all that much more difficult to make.  Ploom Pax and the PUFFiT inhaler vape are two of the latest portable models to be released, but, neither is all that similar to the MFLB.  The vaporizer that, to me, is most similar would have to be the Dragon Lite and that’s a unit that the Launch Box blows out of the water, in my opinion.  The new Palm vaporizer is quite similar, but, instead of constantly heating up while the battery is inserted, it simply hits and holds a particular vaporizing temperature.  While the Palm is a bit easier to use, I would have to say that the Magic Flight Launch Box ultimately offers more control over the vaporizer temperature than VaporBlunt’s Palm.   I would suggest reading the MFLB review from which the quote above is derived in order to enhance your understanding of this portable and cheap vaporizer known as the Launch Box by Magic-Flight.

MFLB Video:

Pax Vaporizer By Ploom Review

31 Jul

Pax By Ploom

Pax by Ploom is a highly portable vaporizer that is easy to use, easy to carry (extremely compact), and easily recharged.  It has a built-in motion sensor which will automatically activate the device and put it into sleep mode.  It comes a few different color options right now, but, perhaps that will change in the future.  Designed in a compact fashion, this vape is small, powerful, and efficient.  If you’re looking to buy your own Ploom Pax, I would suggest reading this thorough Pax vaporizer review first and then decided whether or not it’s the best portable vaporizer you’ve ever seen.

Pax Vaporizer Video: