Tag Archives: Iolite Vaporizer Review

Iolite Wispr Vaporizer Review 2012 [Video]

10 Jun

Wispr Vaporizer

Anyone who has ever wondered which portable vaporizer to get should definitely invest some time into an adequate investigation of Iolite’s Wispr vaporizer as it’s the essentially the new Iolite vaporizer.  With improvements upon the original Iolite, the new Wispr is more than capable than its’ predecessor and should not be disregarded as just another portable vaporizer.  If you’re serious about vaporizing, definitely check this beast out.

The Wispr is available in a number of different colors, much like the original, which should allow virtually everybody to find a color that works with their attire.  For the fashionable crowd, you just might want to snag one in every flavor as they’re all quite appealing.

Prior to acquiring a new vaporizer, I would suggest reading some vaporizer reviews in order to get a clear understanding of what options are available out there.  This way, you don’t blatantly disregard the many marvelous portable vaporizers on the market today.

For more information on this particularly amazing device, read the following: Wispr review.

Best Portable Vaporizers, VaporGenie VS Iolite

10 Jun

Sometimes I feel as if I’m wasting my time, sitting idle at times.  I really need to decide upon some goals to achieve.  At the moment, I have little inclination to pursue much of anything.  I’m entirely unimpressed with life as of this moment.  Regardless of this, I decided to slap together a quick review of the portable Iolite vaporizers in contrast with the VaporGenie and Volcano vaporizers.

Iolite Vaporizer Review: The Best Portable Vaporizers Around.

Moving on, I’m thinking of migrating my office into another room of the house.  Lack of sunlight has left me feeling dreary after long days of work.  That in itself is reason enough to make the transition from a room with 1 window to another with 4.  Not only that, two of the windows actually receive morning light as the sun rises in the direction facing two of the windows.  Unlike my sole window at the moment which hardly receives any light as it faces away from the sunrise and sunset.  The hard part will be finding the wall-studs, drilling holes, and attaching my three monitor mounts in positions deemed ergonomically correct.

A big concern is electricity.  Will the room offer adequate power to fuel my elaborate setup?  If not, I’ll have to contract an electrician to come in and run some additional power into the room.  That’s the primary reason why I have refrained up until now.  I’m not quite sure when I’ll pursue this migration, however, I believe it will be soon.

I think it’s time for sleep.  Will continue blogging tomorrow!

Iolite Vaporizer Review From Review Badger

3 Jun

“Anyone who enjoys vaporizing while on the go will benefit greatly from owning a portable Iolite vaporizer. The classic Iolite vaporizer is roughly the size of a new cell phone, easily slides into a pocket or purse, and makes for a great accessory as it comes in a variety of colors such as white, purple, green, and blue…”

via Iolite Vaporizer Review

Iolite Vaporizers

If you’ve ever found yourself interested in vaporizing, an alternative to smoking, you should check the Iolite portable vaporizers out because they’re some of the cleanest around.  Some electronic cigarettes (e-cigs) work similar to an Iolite as they disperse nicotine as vapor.  I’m definitely not condoning smoking tobacco, but if you happen to smoke, you might want to try vaporizing instead.