Tag Archives: Rant

Tired, Loooooong Day!

9 Apr

It’s been a really long day. I need to go and pickup my new phone in a few hours. Should be interesting getting to play around with it for a bit before I have to work. Hired another contractor to do some work and I’m curious how that will turn out. Today is the first day of work, so it should be fairly interesting to see if they’re able to deliver as promised or if I will have to replace them, as I’ve done in the past. Anyways, will update later as I need at least a few hours of sleep I figure. Goodnight!

Dang, No More Trailer Park Boys!

30 Mar

I just finished watching the final episode of what I believe was season 7 if I’m not mistaken and I feel as if I have a void that must be filled in my life with no Trailer Park Boys series to entertain me.  I’ll have to find something else on Netflix to get into, surely it won’t be a problem… or will it?  At times I feel as if 1) I’ve seen too many movies, television series, and documentaries and 2) Netflix has tons of extremely bland material which I’d really rather not waste my time watching as it fails to entertain.  Who knows, perhaps I’ll find a new series that’s worth getting into and mildly obsessing over for a while.

It’s been a long day and regardless of how well adjusted my Aeron chair is, I’m a bit sore today.  I’ve really failed in regards to diet and exercise lately.  With work extremely hectic at the moment, I continue to make excuses as to why I have yet to return to a steady exercise routine.  Perhaps when the weather gets a bit nicer I can return to my passion of hiking in the wilderness.  I truly love being in the great outdoors.

As of late there have been some reoccurring notions that have been tugging at my heart strings.  I’m searching for something positive that I have yet to discover.

Now Matt’s talking about Dominos’ mac and cheese, which I’ve never had and I don’t think I ever will.  There is no Dominos around where I live, not even close.

Anyways, I’m going to get back to working and playing with my kitties like Bubbles.  We all have our simple things in life that we adore and that is what you must hold onto and cherish while it lasts.  Oh and don’t forget to check out my new site.

Extremely Bored: What Should I Do?

28 Mar

Aeron Chair CatI was just taking pictures of my cat hanging out in my office. The first thing he did when he entered, after scratching at the outside of the door, was hop up onto my Aeron chair and immediately begin to take a nap. After moving the chair out of the way so that I could work without disturbing my cat, he sprang to life and began attacking me while I was moving the chair. I started snapping pictures at this point and captured some silly imagery that I’ll surely look at when I’m much older and get a kick out of it. Thank goodness for my 3GB external hard-drive with built-in backup. Keeping backups helps ensure that I stay out of trouble when it comes to data loss, which is something that I’ve unfortunately experienced before.

Cats keep me highly entertained, at least while they’re prancing around doing feline activities. While mine is fast asleep on my Tempur-pedic bed, I’m going to have to find something to entertain myself which is perhaps one of the reasons why I’m on here typing this gibberish and further reiterating how truly bored I am. If boredom is present in your life, you should feel fortunate as not everyone in the world has the luxury of being bored, without anything to do. Not having to do anything is fantastic. When I find myself in these situations, I usually jump at the opportunity to do something with my life and improve some aspect of my being. Mostly though, I just end up working as money is something that I’ve grown quite fond of over the years as it allows for me to explore this odd little planet that we all inhabit. Back to exploring the world I go. Take care.

Who Is Victor Johnson?

26 Mar

There are many individuals who inhabit this world that go by the name Victor Johnson, however, the VJ that exists on this website is quite unique in comparison to all others including both past and future.  This particular Victor Johnson is one of many interests and a passion for writing mindless gibberish on regular occasions.  To those who do not know, I am the one and only and my sole purpose in life is simply to exist.  If you have yet to determine the validity of my existence, I am indeed alive and well.  Find yourself completely lost in my endless rant?  The reality is that the identity of Victor Johnson is easily exposed and if you conduct some basic research utilizing the tools available to you, there will almost certainly be no resistance in the quest to unmask the great and powerful wizard known as Victor Johnson.

If none of this makes sense, do not fret as there are various reasons why this could very well be the case.  Were this publication more concise and to the point, it would have simply read: You must discover the answer on your own accord.

Welcome To The Best Victor Johnson Blog In The World

26 Mar

Now that you’ve formally reached the official blog of the best Victor Johnson in existence, you can finally rest as you have reached the end of your long and tireless journey.  Here you will find insight into an array of my personal interests such as computers, internet, relaxation, politics, breaking news, do it yourself projects, and the exploration of the vast wilderness that is my backyard.

Once you’ve had a chance to browse around, you might find yourself inclined to get in contact with the wizard that is Victor Johnson.  If such is the case and you are truly contemplating following the path of the wizard in order to achieve the ability to cast spells with ease, leave a comment and I’ll be sure to reply at my leisure.

Thanks for stopping by my gorgeous WordPress website.  Please, feel free to bookmark and share this blog on whatever social networking websites you currently use.

Until next time my friends!  Take care.